Friday, December 23, 2011

1Z crayon resist dragons

Look all these dragons from our imaginations.

owls in paint

We painted owls after readiing and studying the art in Adopted by an Owl.

2O clay owls and other creatures

We learned about sculptors amd sculptures when making owls and other creatures. Also we learned about height, width and depth - 3-d.

4T watercolors

These works and the writing that was done with them were so special that the students took them home as gifts.

5M pouches

These woven pouches are used at a trade fair as part of social studies. They always take a while to complete. They will be shared and taken home after that.

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

owls by 2B

What does "3-d" mean?
More than needing special glasses......
three dimensional objects have height, width and depth. These sculptors have created some expressive owls in modeling clay.

Art afternoon with 1Z

Our mosaic elephant was a positive experience in tearing paper, applying glue and adding paper to the surface. It was a successful collaborative where students changed responsibilities by asking if someone would change with them.