Wednesday, August 31, 2011

artist posters and organization by color

Welcome Back to the Artists' Workshop for another year of  making fabulous art.
To help with organizing art works from nearly 200 students, each table is designated by color expressed by the artist poster hanging over the table.
Students who sit at this table keep art  in portfolios that are kept in one of 10 large red portfolios. The artist is Vincent Van Gogh.

This still life by Cezanne denotes the "orange " table.

Matisse signals the green table.

Mary Cassatt's portrait of her niece  details  the yellow table.

Escher puzzles us at the black table and  Georgia O'Keeffee's simple arrangement decorates the blue table.

Each student sits in an assigned seat. This facilitates finding one's work in the portfolio for that table.
I am sure that the students who have had art this week, can tell you which color table he/she sits at.
We're off to a great start.  Feel free to call and schedule a visit.